What the Best Procurement Pros Do (and you should too)
If you’ve worked in and around Procurement you know there are a few types of Procurement Professionals.
You’ve got the I don’t care Professional.
Calling these people Professional is a stretch of the imagination and an insult to the true procurement Professional.
These are the type of Procurement people that fell into the job and are bitter about it.
There’s no hiding that many people do not grow up wanting to get into Procurement. It just kind of happens.
I’m sure many of you reading this right now have a story to tell as to how you got into procurement.
The problem with the crowd that is bitter about it is that they are doing a lot of harm to the Profession.
They are typically the argumentative type who fight non-existent battles as everyone plots to bring them down. It’s a fabrication. These people believe that their role is to place POs and send emails and that’s about it.
What is worse is when one of these Procurement People are placed into a role of more responsibility and they lead their team into the depths of their bitterness.
All is not lost if you’ve felt like this.
All is not lost if you’re working in a team that operates this.
I’m going to talk to you about what the Best Procurement Pros do and why you should emulate this in your career.
Alignment to the Business
Let’s start off with what poor Procurement Professionals and Teams do. They create barriers with the rest of the business. They fight their own agenda that does not align with what the Business wants.
"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." --Andrew Carnegie.
We think this quote is fitting here. Drop the ego and find a common vision with your Business.